Saturday, June 2, 2007

My Desire

Adventure has always been something that I've loved, and I cant seem to get enough. When I was growing up I satisfied this desire for exploration and adventure through fishing and camping on the golf course where my dad worked. (this doesnt sound to adventurous but the course was out in the country west of Nashville, it had lakes, streams, and rolling hills that we would explore when we wern't playing golf). Anyway, my brother Clark and I made it feel as far away from society as possible by packing all our gear in backpacks and hiking down the streams in the summer and setting up camp on a rock island or a river bank. At least it felt like the real thing.

This was fun for a while, but I wanted the real thing! I have always desired adventure, and this side of me was to some sort suppressed by growing up on the golf course. To a certian extent this desire is why I love golf so much, because it is played outside in nature. I loved that aspect of it, but it was to safe for me I needed something dangerous. I had no place to take these desires, and no one to take me out in the wild and teach me how to meet these needs.

This was partly due to my determination as a golfer, and the fact that I was so focused on my goal of college golf that I ignored my longing for the outdoors.

As I said I grew up on a golf course, but this wasnt just any golf course it was a private, high class, members only course, and I got to play for free everyday! So I took advantage of my opportunity as a golfer, and ended up practically living out there! My point is that I was constantly around older wealthy high class men. Some were great men and I learned alot from them, if anything I learned how to approach these men without hesitation and have conversations with them...I look back and see this as a blessing, it was a privelage to be in their company.

The main reason I say this is to paint a picture of a boy who grew up in a mans world, It was a blessing. At the same time it was a proper society of men and women who lived in a comfortable world, and it was secure and predictable. I was a boy who wanted adventure and wilderness, I didnt want to be tamed by the society that I was brought up in. I needed adventure, risk, and danger.

I didnt realize this until our backpacking trip 2 weeks ago. I mean I always knew I had it in me, but God spoke to me out in the wilderness of Wyoming, standing on the top of a 13,000 ft. summit I said to myself "I was made for this!" The desire i've always felt as I grew up was met during that week in the mountains.


  1. Campbell - Jackson and I are so proud of you and what you are experiencing this summer. Keep us posted through this blog and stay safe!

  2. campbell,we are thankful for the journey you are on this summer. Bask in His presence while you experience this very special time of your life! you are loved. mom
