Thursday, November 4, 2010


I made it to Istanbul, I haven't seen much of it yet, but my hotel is just across the street from several mosques and the famous Grand Bazaar. Through the open window in my hotel room I can hear the muslim call to evening prayer, its a haunting megaphone sound that rings through the city, echoing off temples and ancient mosques built by Constantine himself, the ghostly harmony screeches over distant sirens and car horns. It feels so solemn and sacred. Like a sound that hasen't changed since the beginning of time. I cant decide if its music or just spoken word...somewhere in between. Its beautiful while at the same time sends chills down my spine. I feel really far from home.

On a lighter note, I got to the airport, thinking I was just going to jump in a cab until I heard my name being announced over the intercom... I thought to myself, I'm alone in one of the most foreign countries I have ever been and I just heard, "Charles Brewer!...please come to the information desk!" Once I turned the corner I saw this man, and it all made sense :)


  1. That is great!!! I am glad that you made it... I will call you soon... Just remember, you have the best job in the world!! and you will probably never have a cooler one, so enjoy: ) so happy for you!

  2. Dude, Amazing. You know you've "made it" when you've got a driver waiting for you in Istanbul. Your job is awesome.

    I'm really excited for you brother. Is it possible to do ReddBrew stuff without being in the same country? haha miss you man.
