Tuesday, January 26, 2010

they're always calling

The Mountains are always calling.
Its a spiritual feeling standing at the base looking up. Their it is. A Mountain. Still as in waiting. Always pulling something out in me. Engaging me ... initiating a stirring. What is it about this pile of rocks that makes me wonder? From a distance I hear the voice, in the plains It speaks, in the canyons It echos, and no matter how far I run the Mountains will always be calling.

It doesn't need me, but I need It. Outlasting time, It is patient. A quiet presence forever looming. I close my eyes tight to be sure I'm not dreaming ... once opened I see It greater than before. Reality of this calling mounts, I must approach it, confront it, understand it.

A mountain brings fear, get close enough and you will understand. To turn back would mean nothing... clarity comes and I begin to interpret my place in Its forests.

What is it about a Mountain? Can one get used to Its faces? Pity the man who ignores the Peak. Who turns down this obvious invitation. ...Welcome Its presence my people! Question its expanse! Trek through its passes! Answer the voice inside you! Damn those who grow numb to allure, who fail to see wonders, curse those who refuse true beauty!

What is it about a Mountain that makes me want to see the other side? Why am I compelled to pack my bags? What is it about a Mountain that opens my speechless mouth? Is It real? Reality evokes trial, and trial is evidence of the blazed path. Trembling with discomfort I leave the world of masks to enter into a realm of uncertainty. Risk is what this Mountain brings ... the closer I get ... the higher I climb ... the louder it calls.

Mountains demand greatness from the climbers seeking to summit. The higher I climb the stronger the test. It would be easy to just stand at its base to hear Its faint voice, calling. But only when I answer does the blood flow. Only when I turn and face it does my skin split. I must welcome struggle for I know where I am going. No matter how far I run east the Mountain will always stand, and always be calling. I must go West, listen to the Mountain and expect nothing short of the summit.